In this article we will talk about How to cure Cystic Acne at Home Naturally. As you already know Cystic Acne is one the most severe forms of acne which is hard to be treated. That’s because this type of acne is deeply embedded underneath the skin. Topical over the counter products or whatsoever which you put on your skin cannot help improve this severe, painful acne. However, with the right combination of proper medications and some simple natural treatments of acne, cystic acne can be cured and of course acne scarring reduced. Let’s start from the beginning.
Why do people get cystic acne?
People of all ages and races have acne breakouts at some point. It's basically an infection of the skin which results from several related factors. One important factor is an imbalance in hormones (called androgens or male sex hormones). This skin’s infection can develop, including the following: Papules, Pustules (pimples), Nodules and Cysts. And of course no one wants to face
acne cysts.
How do I treat cystic acne?
Since the cysts form underneath the skin, you cannot simply treat them like common surface acne. You need help from the doctor. If you get red inflamed and swollen acne lesions occur on the skin, it is better to seek advice from your dermatologist to treat this type of acne at early stage. The goals of cystic acne treatment are to heal current acne cysts, stop further breakouts, avoid acne scarring, and of course reduce the embarrassment and distress caused by this painful acne.
After examining your condition, mostly, your doctor will prescribe specific acne medications, some of these may be oral (taken by mouth) and others may be topical (applied to the skin), depending on your condition. Drug treatment has been proven to treat acne cysts with very satisfied results. But you need to use it only under a doctor’ care. Hopefully, you do not get severe inflammatory cystic acne if you are lucky enough.
What causes acne worse?
These following Factors can make current acne worse include:
• Hormonal fluctuations
• Oils from skin care products including makeup
• Tight clothing
• Lack of Hygiene
• Poor Environment such as a kitchen, pollution and high humidity
• Picking or Squeezing at current acne
• Over scrubbing/rubbing of the affected skin
• Stress
How to reduce redness and swelling from cystic acne?
If your affected areas turn into redness, swelling and pain, you can directly apply an ice pack for 10 to 20 minutes several times a day. You can also take a NSAID to relieve pain.
Natural treatments to treat cystic acne at home:
Drug treatment is intended for reducing several problems that involve in causing the cysts inside your body. However, there are still some helpful Natural treatments that can boost up the healing process of the skin. You can combine these methods together to fight against cystic acne side by side so that you do not need to face such a terrible nightmare for too long. So, I've gathered a list of the things you can do to speed up the natural healing process of your skin.
Following are things you need to do to cure cystic acne at home naturally:
Healthy Diet
We all know it is quite hard to change your eating habits. But this is a very important step for you to try. There are many myths about what food causes cystic acne out there. I supposed you often hear that chocolate, junk food and/or greasy foods are often the main culprits about acne, but there is no concrete evidence has shown that foods have much weight on the formation and development of acne in most people.
However, “we get what we eat” these words can simply explain things. In this part we will focus on dairy products. That’s because in some cases eating too much dairy products can affect the natural balance of the skin and cause more infection, which can stimulate the formation of acne cysts. So, you need to encourage yourself to change your eating habits. Start to add more fruits and vegetables to your diet and slowly reduce dairy products, junk foods, and even foods with high sugars from your diet.
It is worth a try to avoid dairy products for a few weeks to see if your acne condition improves. It is better to consult with your doctor about what foods you should avoid while taking acne medicines. And of course you have to avoid any foods that can make you allergic. Here are some specific foods which can give real benefits to the skin and also heal the acne lesions very quickly for example apple, avocado, watermelon, almond, tomato and juice of the melon if you have them every day.
It’s time to talk about how to deal with acne at the surface skin. Honey comes in handy and it works like a charm. Honey help relieve inflammatory acne as well. This is because Honey has natural antibacterial properties that can kill bacteria and heal the skin very excellent. When honey is applied directly to the affected areas will kill germs causing infection and speed up natural healing process at the same time. This will begin the first step to achieve clear and healthy skin because reducing the appearance of further breakouts and clear up the existing ones. You can read more about using honey to treat acne--homemade remedies << click here.
Tea tree oil
It fights against acne like benzoyl peroxide. Tea tree oil has natural antiseptic and antifungal properties that can naturally treat cystic acne as well. When you apply it to the affected areas, it will permeate the skin to disinfect clogged pores, and finally dry out acne. But, the pure tea tree oil can make some side effects in the skin such as drying, burning and itching. To avoid these side effects, you have to dilute a few drops of tea tree oil mix with other agents before using it on the skin such as warm water, aloe vera gel or honey. Tea tree oil can also increases the production of collagen, by controlling the free radicals, giving your skin a young-looking appearance.
Regardless how severe your acne condition is, you cannot avoid the reality that you got acne. Now, you have to deal with internal matters—your mind. Stress can cause cystic acne worse. You should avoid stress and try to calm down as much as you can. Once you have embraced the fact that you are flawless inside, you will be able to see things clearer. It is nothing wrong with you in any way and the acne is just an appearance of your unpleasant and discomfort towards your body—not your mind. And we all have to experience acne at some point.
Don’t be embarrassed about the nature of this illness. You should be optimistic. This way will reduce the stress very effective. The mind may also be the root cause of your cystic acne, because stress is generated within the mind especially the negative thinking, and more stress can lead to more acne. Go for relaxation options to reduce stress and of course heal cystic acne. You can read this article -
7 tips of daily meditation to treat your acne effectively – it might help you get through this situation.
Finally, once you keep your mind calm, you'll be able to stay away from stress leading to improve balance of hormones. This can help your body get natural healing process faster. So, it is good for the skin and even your overall health.
Sleep well
Don’t even blame yourself about “I haven't had enough time to sleep for over a week”. Look into the mirror and see your look now. See, you need to shut down a smart phone or your computer and get some sleep. Most of the people who distress from cystic acne that I know often feel embarrassed, and their unpleasant look is reflected in their face. Did you feel tired or boring of your acne? – So, it is time to get some sleep.
My recommendation is that you should have a good night sleep if you want your acne condition improved faster. As most doctors usually advise their patients to have a lot of rest in order to cure their illness. You have to spend more time to sleep in order to allow your body to heal acne naturally. To make your mild clear before going to bed, it is better to think about cystic acne as a common disease. And whatsoever you have confronted with during a day you need to let it go. You can read more details about --
How to sleep with acne-- “Simple but Powerful”.
Knowing enough about how to cure cystic acne at home naturally can make solid, informed choices and cut down on the fear factor. You know that cystic acne can hurt you both the look and your mind very deeply. Moreover it can always leave acne scars after it’s gone. If you apply what you've just learned about Natural Treatments to help cystic acne improved faster alongside acne medicines you have, you should have nothing to worry about. This might get rid of your cystic acne very quickly and give you a clear and good-glowing skin, who knows? To get the best results, you have to do all the things above together. Do not choose only one method and leave the other.
This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advice and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.