No Nonsense Advice about Adult acne home remedies---Following this article!
Why am I getting acne as an adult? This issue might be happened to your thought sometimes. You will discover about the right
Adult acne home remedies to eliminate this problem if you read this article. No one wants acne appearing in their face. However adult acne seems to be worse more than a teenager problem. So you have to seek the right solution to get rid of it at home immediately. You can note that
Acne may be the nightmare not only of teenagers but also adults.
Acne is a disorder of the skin caused by inflammation of the skin glands and hair follicles. It mainly affects teenagers but can find in adults as well. It begins because of a hair follicle plugged with oil, bacteria couple with the dead skin cells and it occurs beneath the surface of the skin. The oils (called sebum) which produced from the sebaceous glands provide a perfect environment for the skin bacteria to flourish inside the affected follicles. When it comes to the right condition, it grows into inflamed or non-inflamed acne depending on an individual condition.
Types of ACNE: We can divide acne into 2 main groups--
Non-inflammatory acne-- such as:
- White head
- Black head.
Inflamed acne -- such as:
Papule – It is a small inflamed elevation of skin that can appears on the skin as a small, firm pink bump or red spots.
Pustule – They are small round lesions containing visible pus. They may also appear as white or yellow pus filled centre surrounded by an infected red circle.
Nodule or Cyst – Nodules form has hard painful bumps growing deep in the skin. The nodules may take weeks or months to recover. Cysts, like nodules are painful, but are pus filled and larger in size. Both nodules and cysts often leave deep scars. Scarring can be prevented with appropriate treatments.
Acne Conglobata – This is a severe bacterial infection occurs mostly on the back and chest. You will see many body parts full of nodule acne with surrounding comedoes. The nodules will begin infected, and after it is gone usually leave scars. Over the counter acne products hardly deal with this form of acne. You have to approach a doctor and get a proper treatment.
What causes of adult acne?
Actually, it is hard to answer that, because it depends on individual conditions. Many researches explain that the skin function disorder can be triggered by many factors such as heredity, stress, poor diet, or changing of hormone levels etc. But there are still many unknown factors that cause this skin problem.
What is the best treatment for adult acne?
Nowadays there are many ways of treatment available out there. Mostly adult acne can be treated properly by the best regimen recommended for the teen acne. You have to choose a regimen which suits your condition and stick with it. Many cases of adult acne can get better with the "over-the-counter" products, or products that don't need a prescription from your dermatologist. You should start to get rid of your adult acne before it gets worse, since you will not have to face both the physical and the emotional problems.
We can broadly divide acne skin care products into 3 groups
1. General skin care products
2. Specialized skin care products or "over-the-counter" products
3. On-prescription skin care products.
Assuming you have mild to moderate acne and decide to get rid of this problem by yourself so we will not consider On-prescription skin care products. Commonly, General skin care and OTC acne products contain benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid as an essential ingredient; both have properties to fight against bacteria. Firstly, you have to keep avoiding products that contain some ingredients that might irritate your skin by reading on their labels. Then, to kick off you should choose to use a product that has minimum concentration of benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid e.g. 5% and see how your skin reacts to it. You should apply a topical product according to the given instructions correctly. If you used correctly, soon your problem will start to clear up. Don’t forget that, these acne products can be very effective in some cases. If your problem gets nothing or worse, you should see a dermatologist.
If you have existing acne
the simplest tip to reduce your skin problem is to avoid touching your face. Do you realize how often you touch your faces in everyday? You have to understand that your hands can be a channel to bring bacteria to your face and make acne worse. That is why it is highly recommended for you to refrain touching your face and you should wash your hands regularly.
The bottom line:
Finally, it is important to understand that your adult acne is more common than you believe. You have to keep away from fast fix solutions. Since, there are many products available out there bragging that they can
get rid of adult acne at home fast overnight. In fact, if you really want to clear up your acne problem, you need a right regimen for it. The fast fix solutions only treat your outside skin but not from the inside, as a result you will have a chance to face acne again. If you still have acne and it gets severe or worse after trying any solutions,
you do not hesitate to go to see your doctor immediately and seek possible medical treatments. Take time to consider the points presented above. What you learn may help you overcome your hesitation to take action.
This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advice and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.
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About Adult Acne Home Remedies that work!
Description : No Nonsense Advice about Adult acne home remedies---Following this article! Why am I getting acne as an adult? This issue might be happ...
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